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Council plans to support cheaper family holidays during term time

16th Jun 2016 | Education

Brighton & Hove City Council are planning to introduce a new week of school holiday during term time.  This follows the recent high profile case in which the High Court appeared to permit parents to take their children out of state schools, without permission, as long as they have a good record of attendance, (having attended "regularly").

The extra week will be created by saving five days from existing holiday periods.  Informal consultation has already taken place during which 59% of respondents were in favour of proposal.

The Council plans to hold a formal consultation on when the week should start and is considering trialling the idea during the academic years 2017/18 and 2018/19.  (At the time of writing the Council has not yet published its decision on whether this will progress).  The Council hopes to help families go on cheaper holidays outside of peak months instead of taking their children out of school.

In the meantime, legislation is expected to close the loop hole which resulted in the High Court decision last month, as was indicated by a DfE spokesperson at the time.

For more information, help or advice please contact Jill Donabie on 0191 211 7919 or email [email protected].

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