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Holiday Pay update: Q & A

24th Nov 2014 | Employment

In light of all the speculation, judgments and analysis concerning how to calculate holiday pay over the last few years (and specifically the last few weeks as a result of the outcome of Bear Scotland Ltd v Fulton and Others (and conjoined cases)), you will be forgiven for asking the question "are we nearly there yet?"

Our answers is much like the response parents give to their children - "we're not far now" or "we are on the last leg" – knowing full well that there is still a long way to go and that the way to go is swathed in fog!

The reason why we are "not quite there" is because the judgment in Bear has brought more certainty in some areas but has also left hanging other issues.  In this practical Holiday pay Q and A document we have tried to answer the common questions we have been asked around this subject.

We will keep this document updated as and when questions are asked of us which we think will have a wider relevance or interest to employers and hopefully this will help the fog begin to clear.  This document is up to date as at 24 November 2014.

In the meantime, if you have any further questions please contact Chris Maddock on 0191 211 7919.

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